All Posts Tagged: rhinoplasty cost

The average cost of rhinoplasty surgery at Tijuana Rhinoplasty is a representation of Dr. Edgar Santos training, expertise, and surgical history.

Rhinoplasty Cost in Tijuana

The cost of rhinoplasty at Tijuana Rhinoplasty is a representation of Dr. Edgar E Santos training, expertise, and surgical history. The average rhinoplasty cost in Tijuana, Mexico is $4,000 including surgeon fees, anesthesia, facility, and medication. Rhinoplasty is universally considered to be one of the most complicated cosmetic surgeries. Therefore, it is not something that you want to leave up to chance […]

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The rhinoplasty cost in Tijuana is determined by the surgeon's qualifications and expertise.

Rhinoplasty Cost

The cost of rhinoplasty at ‘Tijuana Rhinoplasty‘ could be as low as 60% compared to US prices. However, facial plastic surgeons typically determine their fees based on their qualifications, so rhinoplasty surgery is not typically an occasion to seek the lowest possible price. Dr. Edgar Eduardo Santos determines the price of each rhinoplasty on a […]

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