The rhinoplasty procedure is performed by placing well-hidden incisions in and around the nostrils.

The Rhinoplasty Procedure

Technically, the rhinoplasty procedure at Tijuana Rhinoplasty is performed by placing well-hidden incisions in and around the nostrils. These incisions allow Dr. Edgar Eduardo Santos to lift the skin to obtain excellent exposure of the underlying bone and cartilage. 

The underlying bone and cartilage is then contoured to make the nose more harmonious and balanced to the rest of the face. The procedure lasts approximately two to three hours; however, it depends on the complexity of the case.

Many patients are referred to us for revision rhinoplasty. These cases are of higher complexity because of the corrections that need to be made as a result of the initial surgery.

We take all the time that is needed to get the best possible result. You can expect to be at the surgical center for approximately half a day.

Open Rhinoplasty vs Closed Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty can be performed as an open or closed surgery. A closed (endonasal) rhinoplasty uses incisions that are located within the nose, so there are no visible scars; however, not all types of concerns can be addressed using this method.

An open rhinoplasty requires an incision on the underside of the nostril, called the columella, which allows Dr. Santos to access the internal structures of the nose.

Once healed, the scar is often barely noticeable. During your online consultation, Dr. Santos will let you know which technique can provide the optimal outcome for your customized treatment plan.

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